Health News

Health News

Better semen quality is linked to men living longer

What supermarkets in 97 countries are doing to our waistlines

States Facing Doctor Shortages Ease Licensing Rules for Foreign-Trained Physicians

A growing number of states have made it easier for doctors who trained in other countries to get medical licenses, a shift supporters say...

Natural DIY Hair Spray

Conventional hair spray is one of the worst offenders when it comes to toxins in beauty products. It typically has aerosol, PFAS, VOCs and...
Health News

Study finds standing desks may not be the healthy alternative people...


Listen to the Latest ‘KFF Health News Minute’

Nov. 21 This week on the KFF Health News Minute: In states without abortion bans, programs are trying to train more types of medical personnel...

How To Do Earthing (Plus When Not To)

Earthing (also called grounding) can be a controversial topic. Many report improved well-being and fantastic health benefits, including better sleep and less pain. However,...

Pumpkin Cheesecake Cottage Whip: A Fall Classic, Reimagined

If you’re in the mood for pumpkin cheesecake and you don’t feel like baking, try this pumpkin cheesecake cottage cheese whip.  This simple recipe has...

Vegetarians consume more ultra-processed food than those who regularly eat meat,...


What ancient Greek and Roman philosophers thought about vegetarianism